Мастер-класс на английском языке «Territorial planning in Balkan countries 

Мастер-класс на английском языке «Territorial planning in Balkan countries  
Мастер-класс на английском языке «Territorial planning in Balkan countries 

Дата и время проведения мероприятия: 18.11.2023 г., суббота 15.00

Место: ул. Миклухо-Маклая, д.6, Главный корпус Ауд. 107

Контактное лицо: Холина B.H. kholina vn@pfur.ru

Спикер: Малинович-Милицевич Славица старший научный сотрудник Института географии Йована Цвиича Сербской академии наук и искусств

Dr. Slavica Malinovié-Milicevié is a Senior Research Associate at the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijid," Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade.
Geography, meteorology, environmental modeling, and applied geographical research are among her diverse areas of expertise, and she has a strong understanding of UV modeling, climate change, air pollution, thermal comfort, and solar activity.

As a member of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, she actively participated in numerous international conferences and made a significant contribution to research projects in Serbia. She has held positions as an associate editor, review editor, and guest editor for journals that are highly regarded and indexed in SCOPUS and the Web of Science. Also, she published and refereed a number of scientific papers for highly-rated international scientific journals.